This Batman Trailer Reaction Will Give You All The Feels

You know you did something right when your trailer reaction video gets retweeted by the movie's director. 

That's exactly what happened to Twitter user @BluRayAngel, one of the hosts of The GOAT Movie Podcast, when he posted his reaction to the trailer for The Batman which debuted at the virtual DC FanDome event on August 22. The movie's director, Matt Reeves, retweeted the video, adding, "OH MY GOD!"

What makes this trailer reaction video so good is exactly what makes the best fan responses fun: that ability to get you caught up in the hype of realizing that something you love is loved just as intensely by other people, too. When Angel's eyes aren't bugging out, he's literally screaming at the screen (he watched the trailer in his theater room with 9.2 surround sound — respect).

But other than how speechless Angel was while watching, it's also all the little details he picked up on and comparisons he made that will get you pumped for The Batman if you weren't already. Let's quickly break down the most interesting and compelling points Angel made when he called The Batman his "most anticipated comic book movie as of right now."

How a reaction video gets you even more hyped for The Batman

One of the first things Angel talks about is the dichotomy between Batman and the Riddler in the trailer, specifically analyzing Riddler saying, "If you are justice, please do not lie." As Angel puts it, the very nature of masked vigilantism is tantamount to lying. Of course there's the other half of Riddler's comment, in which he asks, "What is the price for your blind eye?" Angel talked a lot about Batman's interactions with the police as a detective — could it be that Riddler thinks Batman working with the police is a matter of turning a blind eye to the Gotham City Police Department's corruption?

Speaking of the police, Angel drew a great parallel between the scene in which Batman is fighting off the police and Captain America's battle with secret Hydra agents in The Winter Soldier. Angel also pointed out how Batman flying upwards serves as the perfect contrast to Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy, which often shows Christian Bale's Batman descending from above.

There's also the tone of the film, which Angel says is almost David Fincher-esque, comparing it with the likes of Seven and Zodiac. That comparison makes a lot of sense, considering that Reeves' version of Batman already feels in line with 2019's Joker film, which also drew inspiration from cinematic heavyweights like Martin Scorsese.

In addition to praising Robert Pattinson's Batman performance as getting in touch with Bruce Wayne's "tortured soul," Angel had plenty of praise for the fight sequence. As Batman pounds his way through the gang, Angel describes it as "volatile, sleek, and swift." In other words, "It's freakin' Batman, is what it is." If you weren't already amped by The Batman's trailer, watching Angel's full response on YouTube will absolutely get you there.

As the trailer says (very specifically), The Batman is coming to theaters in "?0?1" — October 1, 2021.