Star Wars: Rogue One Director Explains Title

The upcoming Rogue One: A Star Wars Story has the sort of title that definitely looks great on posters. But what does it actually mean?

Director Gareth Edwards told Empire that he isn't even sure himself, but he came up with a few solid theories at last month's Star Wars Celebration.

"'Rogue One' is a military call sign to some extent," he said, referring to the Red Squadron during the Battle of Yavin. "But this is the first [Star Wars] film that's gone off-piste and is not part of the saga–or the Anakin story–so it's the 'rogue' one, you know?"

Then there's Jyn Erso, the mysterious lead character played by Felicity Jones. Edwards says she's got a rogue mentality (not unlike a certain scruffy-looking nerf herder with his own solo movie in the works). "It's kind of describing her as well in a similar way," he said.

But it was the open-ended nature of the title that made it so perfect. "It has these split, multiple meanings," Edwards said. "That made it feel like the right choice."

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is set for release Dec. 16. Check out easter eggs hidden in the trailer.