Harley Quinn Might Already Be In Gotham

When you're in Gotham, you never know who you might eventually become.

With the third season of the FOX series set to premiere this fall, showrunner Ken Woodruff is dropping hints that Harley Quinn could make an appearance. However, she might have been there all along. "You may have already seen Harley as a person that you thought you had met and known for a long time," he told IGN (via Comicbookmovie.com). "So we always reserve the right to sort of do that as well."

Woodruff may have said too much, as executive producer John Stephens quickly added, "The Harley Quinn of it all is a bit more of a sticky wicket, but it's one we've already thought about for the character. We don't want to give too much away but it will definitely be someone connected to the Joker cult world that we have set up. But it's down the road, later in Season Three right now."

The producers did say they'll introduce at least one new character "fairly early" in season 3: a proto-version of Killer Croc.