Jeremy Renner Tried To Kill Off Hawkeye In The First Avengers

If you think Hawkeye didn't have a lot to do in the first Avengers flick, you aren't the only one.

Jeremy Renner played the sharpshooting Marvel character in Joss Whedon's The Avengers (2012) and reprised the role in Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) and Captain America: Civil War (2016), but the actor recently said he was so frustrated with Hawkeye's part in the original Avengers that he repeatedly tried to kill off his own character.

Speaking at the London Comic-Con (via, Renner told the crowd, "I never really told anybody this but in the first Avengers... I was just getting to know who Hawkeye was, and then zap! I go 'round like a zombie. I'm like Loki's minion.... So I'm a little frustrated, because I was so excited to figure out who Hawkeye was."

That caused Renner to act out in a way that would force filmmakers to address his issues. "I just had a heart attack in every scene," Renner said. "I'd just be walking with... Scarlett Johansson, and just like be... [clutches chest].  They said, 'What are you doing man?' [I said] 'I'm giving you an option, if you just want to kick me out of this movie. Just you know, at any given moment, if you wanna kill me off, daddy's gonna be having a heart attack.'"

But now that Hawkeye has been fleshed out a little further, Renner definitely wants him to live. "I don't really want him to die now," he said. "I really got to explore him a lot, and I can't wait to explore him more. There's some really cool ideas coming up. Really cool ideas. Great deaths! Amazing ways to die."

Renner has some ideas about where Hawkeye should go next, and he'll reprise the role in Avengers: Infinity War, scheduled to hit theaters May 4, 2018.