Young Boba Fett Reveals What It Was Like Working With The Star Wars Cast - Exclusive

Daniel Logan, who played young Boba Fett in Star Wars: Episode II — Attack of the Clones, has done it all. He's appeared as one of the most popular Star Wars characters of all time on the big screen. He played the fledgling bounty hunter on spin-off animated series The Clone Wars, where he also played a number of other clone cadets. He collects Star Wars action figures — he has somewhere between 4,000 and 5,000 toys, he tells Looper in an exclusive interview — and cameoed as "Captain Fett" in one of Syfy's Sharknado movies.

And, of course, Logan is a regular on the convention circuit, where he's known for his high-energy antics and positive attitude, and he's made plenty of friends among his fellow Star Wars veterans. "Thank the heavens for comic-cons, because that's where we'd all kind of meet up, you know?" Logan says. "We joke that we're like a Cirque du Soleil family. We were on the road most of the year together. We saw them more than we saw our own families."

Recently, Logan has been paring down his convention schedule in order to spend more time with his family, but he spent years traveling around the globe with his fellow Star Wars actors, meeting fans and creating all kinds of memories together. As he tells Looper, Logan forged unique bonds with many Star Wars personalities, and he has the stories to prove it. Here are just a few of the tales he has to share.

Darth Maul taught Boba Fett how to fight

Logan didn't appear in the same movie as Ray Park, who wowed audiences as Sith apprentice Darth Maul in The Phantom Menace, but they met doing conventions together and became very close friends. "We're like family, Ray and I," Logan says. "He's actually like a brother of mine."

Star Wars catapulted both Logan and Park into the limelight, and their newly revitalized careers led to some common ground. "Thanks to Star Wars, we both managed to have the same dream, and we both wanted to come and live here in the United States," the actor tells Looper. So, they did: "We basically moved to the United States together, and then from there, we just kind of never, ever separated."

After the move, Logan's father actually served as Park's manager in addition to his son's, and you can sometimes catch photos of the two actors hanging out on Instagram. Naturally, some of Park's expertise has rubbed off on his younger protégé. "I trained with him for about nine years," Logan says. "We train all the time, and he taught me a lot about different martial arts and stuff like that."

Nobody signed an autograph like R2-D2's Kenny Baker

Kenny Baker, who played R2-D2 in both the original Star Wars trilogy and the prequels and who served as a consultant in The Force Awakens, passed away in 2016, but he was another good friend of Logan's thanks to their shared time at conventions. "Kenny Baker really took me under his wing, like an uncle of mine. He was four feet with an eight-foot personality, that guy," Logan says.

"He really liked to drink Chardonnay. Everywhere we would go, he drank Chardonnay," the actor remembers. That wasn't the only quirky habit that Baker had, either. "If you ever met him at a convention, the funniest thing is, you'd go up and be like, 'Hi Mr. Baker, can I get an autograph?' and you'd put your thing in front of him."

So far, pretty normal, right? But then things would get weird. "He would be midway through his autograph, then his head would dart down, his tongue would come out, and he'd fall asleep," Logan says, laughing. "I'd watch the fans, they're standing like, 'Ummm?' Do you kind of give him a shake, like, 'Sir?' Or do you walk away? Let him be?"

Thankfully, Baker was still a pro, and he didn't let those fans go home disappointed. "Then, a minute or two later, he'd wake up, straight back at it, and he'd continue where the autograph was as if he'd never fallen asleep," shares Logan. "It was the funniest thing."

Logan has lots of love for the original trilogy's stars, too

Like Logan, both Baker and Park appeared in the Star Wars prequels, but the Boba Fett actor spent plenty of time with his predecessors as well. "Peter Mayhew, God bless him, he's beautiful," Logan says, remembering the 7'2" actor who originally brought the Wookiee Chewbacca to life.

"At conventions, he faced a lot of challenges," Logan says, referring to Mayhew's well-documented health problems. Still, the actor "was the bright, happy, wonderful man that we saw in the original films, through Chewbacca. Those eyes that you saw through the mask."

Leia Organa actress Carrie Fisher was a little more rambunctious. As Logan remembers, "She would always tell me to be quiet, or yell at me from other places in the convention, or call me over, and then sign her autograph on my forehead in lipstick — red lipstick." Being a kid at the time, Logan wouldn't know any better, and would try to wipe the lipstick off: "And I'd just smear it right over my forehead, so for the next couple of days of signing, I look like I've broken out in hives."

Logan was also a frequent victim of the one-time Alderaanian princess' famous glitter attacks, too. "I didn't mind it, but it just looks like you've been to one of those naughty clubs," Logan recalls. "Once it gets on you, it goes everywhere. I mean, your suitcase, and your pocket, and your wallet. Places you don't even know."

Even George Lucas is a big Daniel Logan fan

Conventions aren't just places where actors gather. Behind-the-scenes folks frequent them too, including The Clone Wars and The Mandalorian executive producer Dave Filoni. Naturally, Logan knew Filoni and, having seen The Clone Wars, was eager to get a role on the show. "I'd always joke with him or try to buy him something," Logan says. "If he had a meal, I'd try and say I'd buy it for him, just so I could grease him up to try to get a role in Clone Wars, because I really liked the series."

One day, the call came. Logan would be reprising the role of Boba Fett on The Clone Wars, and just assumed his plan had worked: "I just joked with him, like, 'Hey Dave, I can't believe this greasing up worked.' He's like, 'What are you talking about?' I was like, 'Well, I thought, you know, me trying to grease you up would help me to get the role.'"

But that's not what happened. "No, that's not how you got your role," Logan remembers Filoni saying. "George Lucas came into the storyboard room and said he wants us to put Boba Fett in The Clone Wars, and to call Daniel Logan."

It was enough to make Logan cry. "It was an honor, the fact that I worked for him when I was 13, and that he still remembered my name," Logan says. "Maybe he kept watch of what I was doing with my fan base, or keeping up on the convention circuit. I don't know. The fact he still remembered my name was just a blessing itself."

The final season of The Clone Wars airs Fridays on Disney+.