Wonder Woman Gets Dirty In New Official Pic

Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) announced her presence in the DC Comics movie universe with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016), but now she's getting ready for her close-up.

Ahead of the upcoming Wonder Woman solo movie, Warner Bros. (via Empire) released a new photo (above) of Gadot's Diana Prince and it reveals that the heroine won't be afraid to get her hands dirty. Part of the action is reportedly set in the middle of World War I, and the image sure looks like it comes from that era. It's worth noting that Wonder Woman's comic book origin story is actually set in World War II, but Screen Rant presumes filmmakers shifted her timeline to avoid comparisons to Marvel's Captain America: First Avenger (2011).

Wonder Woman also stars Chris Pine and it's set for release June 1, 2017. Check out the Comic-Con trailer below.