Bryan Fuller Teases New Star Trek Series Details

Star Trek lovers who maybe aren't the biggest fans of the whiz-bang action excitement of J.J. Abrams' Star Trek films should rejoice. They've got Bryan Fuller as the showrunner for the beloved property's upcoming series heading to CBS's All Access online network sometime in 2017. Fuller has a long history of creating smart, original shows, and he isn't just a high-profile name: he's got plenty of tangible Star Trek experience under his belt. He started his career as a writer on Deep Space Nine and Voyager.

Collider spoke with Fuller at the red carpet of the Saturn Awards, the annual science fiction awards show, and he offered a few insights into the development process behind the scenes of the new series. According to Fuller, plans call for 13-episode seasons—a change from the typical Star Trek series, which usually has 22 to 24 episodes per season. He also confirmed that all 13 episodes will be serialized, and will tell a single story.

Here's what Fuller had to say about when he'll be able to pull back the veil on the specifics around the show:

"I imagine around Comic-Con. It's interesting because normally I love talking about everything, and I'm sort of relieved I've been muzzled by CBS on it because I do less interviews, so I can spend more time writing, but I love talking about Star Trek and I love being involved in it, so I'll be very excited to share when the muzzle comes off of me."

It sounds like it's still early in the casting process. Saying he's "met with a few actors," Fuller hinted at a continuation of the multi-cultural emphasis that's always been a hallmark of successful Star Trek. "There's a few people that we like and we want to carry on what Star Trek does best, which is being progressive," he added. "So it's fascinating to look at all of these roles through a colorblind prism and a gender-blind prism, so that's exciting."

Cameras roll in September and more than likely will end in March. Fuller could not confirm episode length, but said, "I think our runtime is flexible because it's streaming."