Bloopers That Make Us Love Chris Evans Even More

Chris Evans bopped around Hollywood for a while in the early 2000s, getting plenty of work with small film roles and on short-lived TV shows, but not quite differentiating himself from other performers of his generation and type. In other words, he played a lot of high school kids in fare like Not Another Teen Movie and The Perfect Score, because that's where Hollywood placed the young actor. After proving he had the mettle to play a superhero with his portrayal of Johnny Storm (a.k.a. the Human Torch) in two Fantastic Four movies, Evans got his big break with the role of Marvel's square, square-jawed, patriotic superhero Captain America in his own trilogy of movies, plus the Avengers saga. But no matter the movie, Evans always seems to be having a good time — something made clear by the outtakes, behind-the-scenes footage, and bloopers he's left behind. Here are some times when Chris Evans just couldn't keep it together while shooting a scene.

Chris Evans vs. his lines

Edgar Wright's adaptation of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is a triumph of comedy and sci-fi, and the whole thing feels like a video game without coming across as campy. In order to be with his dream girl, Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), Scott (Michael Cera) must defeat her seven evil exes, including Lucas Lee, a former skateboarder turned gravelly-voiced macho movie actor. Wright enlisted actual action star Chris Evans to play this fictional action star, although Evans is probably (hopefully) not as aggressive, frightening, and toxic as Lucas. Take for example this moment on set, when Evans is supposed to be threatening Scott and instilling deep fear in the underdog. But that's kind of hard to do when you keep losing your train of thought and forgetting your dialogue. (Ironically, it's about how Lucas Lee is a really good actor... the kind of guy who would never space out on his dialogue.) 

The blooper diaries

Long before Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson joined the Avengers, they'd already worked together in a couple of movies: The 2004 college heist film The Perfect Score, and the 2007 adaptation of the bestselling novel The Nanny Diaries. The future Captain America plays Hayden, an upper-crust, Upper East Side love interest for Johansson's nanny character (who earns the nickname "Harvard Hottie," because he's well-educated and attractive in an early 2000s kind of way). The character might be cool and calm, but Evans certainly isn't. He has a tough time — and more than once — making it through a wordy mouthful of dialogue. "And as soon as we get any closer to that building we'll..." Evans gets out before his tongue decides to no longer cooperate. He gives it another try, and again botches the take, but this time he blames a "loud thing happening" out of the camera's view, and that there are "six people running toward" him. That's a solid excuse.

He's not exactly an agent of shield

Name the two most powerful objects in comic book lore. They'd have to be Mjolnir, Thor's mighty hammer, and Captain America's nigh-invulnerable red-white-and-blue shield with a big star in the middle. As seen throughout hundreds of comic books and almost as many Marvel Cinematic Universe movies, Cap's shield gives Mjolnir a run for its money — its unique steel and Vibranium composition allows it to absorb impact and energy alike. If Captain America ducks behind it, under it, or over it, he can keep himself safe from pretty much anything in the universe, possibly even Thanos.

This blooper captured on the set of Captain America: The Winter Soldier shockingly revealed the only thing so powerful that not even this impeccable weapon and piece of protective gear can make it bend to its will. It's a door. That shield is, obviously and unfortunately, just a prop, and it doesn't give Chris Evans the oomph he needs to do what his script told him to do, which is bust down a big door.

Much props to Chris Evans

Chris Evans just can't seem to get a break, props-wise. Did he accidentally offend someone in the Marvel Studios prop department, thus cursing him to a superhero movie career full of bum props that don't work on camera and make him look foolish? Did he skip "Acting with Props Day" back in drama school? For whatever reason, there are even more bloopers involving physical objects not cooperating with the guy who just wants to play Captain America with proper gravitas.

To his credit, Evans gives it his all, shouting, "We need a plan of attack!" Then, he forcefully grabs a backpack-style parachute from a holding area... but he doesn't wield it with the same authority with which he manages his powerful shield. This backpack is the greatest villain Captain America has ever faced or will ever face onscreen, it seems, as it wriggles its way out of Evans' grip and control over and over again.

Lunch is on him

In Spider-Man: Homecoming, Captain America — Chris Evans, of course — makes a cameo appearance, starring in a short educational film that Spider-Man (or Peter Parker, rather) watches in school. It provides a nice crossover between the teen webslinger and the Avengers crew — the film itself marks the first full-length appearance of Spider-Man (Tom Holland) in the Marvel Cinematic Universe proper. It also provides a nice bit of light character work for Evans, reminding the audience of Captain America's true nature. If any Avenger is going to film a public service announcement to remind all the boys and girls out there to eat a nutritious, balanced hot lunch, it's definitely Captain America, a.k.a. Steve Rogers. He's a product of the 1940s, when such aw-shucks-gee-whiz kinds of PSAs from movie serial and radio stars were the norm. Of course, this is all so ridiculous that not even Evans can get through it with a straight face.

Some assembly required

This behind-the-scenes footage from an Avengers movie only looks like it could be from a super-dramatic, pivotal moment in an Avengers movie. In a commanding, "everybody pay attention" tone, and with cohort Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) at his side, a suited-up and ready for battle Captain America (Chris Evans) boldly intones, "Avengers..." but then stops. It's like waiting for a resolution note in music — the audience can't hear an Avengers say "Avengers" that way and then just not follow it up with "assemble!" That's the catchphrase! It's hard to tell what's going on here. It would seem Evans was pausing for effect before delivering the classic line, and then it goes on for so long it's as if he forgot what he was going to say. He was probably just messing around for fun, because he quickly turns the moment into a goof. (As does Johansson with some well-timed vamping.)

It keeps him running

Acting isn't the most physically taxing or mentally draining job in the world — air traffic controller and emergency room doctor probably rank a lot higher on the tiring scale than movie star. But it's not without its challenges, particularly when the job is acting in a superhero movie. Playing Captain America involves a lot of physicality for Chris Evans — he's had to do solo fight scenes, tightly choreographed group fight scenes, pretending to operate vehicles, dangle from wires, and take on villains in the form of tennis balls in front of a green screen. He also has to run a lot — Captain America is always running, rushing to dole out good old fashioned American justice to bad guys both Earth-centered and alien. In this take for a pulse-pounding scene for Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Cap and Falcon (Anthony Mackie) quickly hoof it to where they need to be... although that's going to take a while when they run in the wrong direction.

Waiting on a friend

This Avengers franchise moment is all about sheer chaos: A climactic, apocalyptic battle rages, resulting in death, destruction, and an uncertain outcome. These moments are among the toughest for a film crew to commit to celluloid, as there are so many departments and moving parts involved in getting it just right. That also means the chance for something to go wrong is much higher than it is for a simple, straightforward scene of dialogue delivery. 

In this instance, Chris Evans is the thing that goes wrong. His Captain America lays on the ground, a leg awkwardly hanging in the air above him, awaiting a cue from co-star Chris Hemsworth (Thor). "Oh, is Thor coming in?" Evans quips, indicating that this blooper was more the fault of that other Chris. But since he's the one laying there in the foreground of the shot, he's the one who has to take one for the team. (Being an Avenger or in an Avengers movie means all for one, and one for all... even if it makes a guy look silly.)