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Zack Snyder's Best DCEU Movie According To Rotten Tomatoes

Zack Snyder has directed more movies than any filmmaker in the DC Extended Universe, but which of his comic book-based endeavors outranks the rest as his absolute best?

According to Rotten Tomatoes, Snyder's lowest-rated DCEU film is "Batman V. Superman," with a dismal 29% rating. Still, the film made $872 million at the global box office — the highest-grossing film in his DC filmography. 2017's "Justice League" holds a 39% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and earned $655 million worldwide — though some fans point to Joss Whedon's reshoots as what affected the film's success rate. The superhero flick that started Snyder's DC journey, "Man of Steel," achieved a 56% rating and is the highest-grossing solo Superman movie with $667 million in box office returns. Surprisingly, Snyder's highest-rated DCEU film on Rotten Tomatoes wasn't released in theaters. Premiering on HBO Max in 2021, "Zack Snyder's Justice League," the 4-hour-long cut fans demanded to see, has a 72% critics score and a 93% audience score.

Frankly, there's no denying that "Zack Snyder's Justice League" is widely regarded as the superior version of the film for a surprisingly specific set of differences fans can't help but mention.

Snyder's cut is working with way more superpowers

The reason "Zack Snyder's Justice League" is heavily revered over the disappointing 2017 take has nothing to do with its extra-long runtime, frustrating aspect ratio choice, the director's name, or the fact that there is also a black-and-white cut. Reddit u/Logan_Composer wrote: "The story is more cohesive, it's tonally consistent, and the performances came off as much more sincere." Others praised how Snyder's edition has his signature style, like u/DawgBloo, who posted, "Even if you're not a fan of Snyder's previous DC movies, his version is superior down to the technical aspects. A huge improvement in CGI and special effects."

While the movie-making aspects were all top-notch compared to the version released in theaters, some favored how the heroes making up the titular team were handled, like u/Senor_Turnip, who commented, "One of the amazing differences was how amazing the actual chemistry between characters was. The entire League was compassionate to Victor through his loss, respectful to Diana and Bruce, affectionate to Barry, and welcoming to Kal El." With everything the ambitious project accomplishes, it's clear that the definitive DCEU "Justice League" motion picture is the one that starts and ends with Zack Snyder.