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Which Game Of Thrones Episode Did Star Wars' George Lucas Help Direct - And Why?

When one thinks of HBO's "Game of Thrones," more than a few names likely spring to mind. First and foremost is George R.R. Martin, who wrote the "A Song of Ice and Fire" book series the show is based on. In terms of actors, the likes of Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke are sure to come up in conversation, and when it comes to behind-the-scenes creatives, David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are at the forefront of the conversation. However, most wouldn't even think to bring up George Lucas' name when discussing those who helped bring the fantasy drama to life.

During a behind-the-scenes featurette, we see the mastermind behind the "Star Wars" universe stop by the "Game of Thrones" set during the start of the highly controversial eighth and final season. He helped out director David Nutter with his directing duties on the premiere episode, titled "Winterfell," joking with Harington and Clarke between takes. Why would Lucas be on the "Game of Thrones" set in the first place? Well, it seems that Lucas simply wanted to check it out, and Benioff and Weiss were more than happy to invite him over — once it sunk in that word of him wanting to drop in wasn't a practical joke, that is.

Since it's such a major part of Lucas' cinematic legacy, one has to imagine that "Star Wars" came up several times on the set that day. Coincidentally, Benioff and Weiss would go on to start assembling "Star Wars" films of their own shortly after.

Lucas visited Westeros, but David Benioff and D.B. Weiss didn't get to visit a galaxy far, far away

Around the time the George Lucas-influenced "Winterfell" was filmed, a "Game of Thrones"-"Star Wars" crossover of another variety was in the production pipeline. David Benioff and D.B. Weiss were on track to leave their own mark on the "Star Wars" franchise through a big-screen trilogy all their own. The news broke in February 2018, with fans responding to it in a range of ways. Some were excited to see what they had in mind for the galaxy far, far away, while others were skeptical, especially after the disastrous conclusion of "Game of Thrones."

However, in the end, Benioff and Weiss' movies wound up canned, joining the many other canceled "Star Wars" projects we'd still like to see happen. As reported by outlets such as CNBC in October 2019, the "Game of Thrones" creatives elected to part ways with Lucasfilm, instead entering a collaboration with Netflix. With that, they well and truly put their "Star Wars" aspirations behind them, despite their mutual love for the world Lucas first brought to the silver screen decades prior.

We'll likely never see David Benioff and D.B. Weiss put their own spin on the "Star Wars" franchise, though at least we got a fun inverse with George Lucas putting some of his signature directorial touches on the "Game of Thrones" Season 8 premiere.