The DC Universe Is Fully Aware Of Batman's Questionable Dating History

Contains spoilers for "Nightwing" #103 by DC Comics

Batman often surrounds himself with people he can count on. In almost every scenario, The Dark Knight does his due diligence for almost everyone to a fault. For example, he famously created considerable friction after the Justice League learned he made secret files on how to take them out if needed. 

Meanwhile in his love life, Batman tends to play on the much less safe side. His romantic choices have been questionable at best and dangerous at worst. Even his fellow heroes recognize the hypocrisy. 

In "Nightwing" #103 by Tom Taylor, Travis Moore, Wes Abbott, and Adriano Lucas from DC Comics, the Titans encounter one of Batman's exes, Jezebel Jet. Upon seeing the villain, Beast Boy asks Nightwing if his mentor has a villainous type. Dick Grayson admits he doesn't talk much to Batman about his romances, saying it makes him uncomfortable. From Catwoman to Jezebel Jet, it's undeniable the Caped Crusader's partners have often been villains. 

Batman's love interests from the beginning

Bruce Wayne's most iconic romance in the comics is with Selina Kyle as Batman and Catwoman have a storied history together. Batman and Catwoman's dynmaic ties back to the 1940s, but their romantic relationship really kicked off in the late 1970s and early 1980s. 

Batman's attraction to the thief has been off-and-on for decades, as Wayne couldn't shake his affection for Kyle. He is entranced with Selina, despite her living a life of crime. Batman has even gone out of his way to try and protect Catwoman when she's in the wrong and has looked the other way during her heists as long as nobody was hurt. 

The pair have also almost gotten married on multiple occasions, and in storylines taking place in the future, they have a daughter, Helena. If Batman is to have a soulmate, Catwoman is it.

One of Batman's earliest other romances is Vicki Vale, a Gotham City journalist who debuted the 1940s. Vale hasn't always been a main part of the DC Comics canon, but in Tim Burton's "Batman," she has her most prominent role, where she is played by Kim Basinger. Unlike most of Batman's love interests, Vale doesn't have a villainous past.

Without a doubt, however, one of Batman's evilest partners is Talia al Ghul. The daughter of Ra's al Ghul and a member of the League of Assassins has shared a romance with Batman but has come into conflict with him many times. Talia is a constant presence in "Batman" comics thanks to her complicated relationship with Batman and their son, Damian Wayne.

Batman has a thing for Villains

Batman seems to sometimes have a different definition for bad guy than some of his fellow superheroes as his feelings for villains don't end with Catwoman and Talia al Ghul. The Dark Knight has fallen under the seductive powers of Poison Ivy as the two have shared a handful of romantic moments during their history. With Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn having one of DC's best romances, however, her pairing with Batman has been shelved in modern-day continuity.

Bruce Wayne also shares considerable trust with Jezebel Jet, a former model who becomes a close companion of the hero. Unfortunately, she turns out to be a secret agent for a criminal organization, splitting up the romance once and for all. 

Meanwhile, one of the best villainous romances for Batman doesn't come from the comics. In the animated "Batman: Mask of the Phantasm," Bruce Wayne has a young romance with Andrea Beaumont. The daughter of a wealthy businessman, Bruce and Andrea break up after her father's death. As a result, she becomes the villain Phantasm. Recently, Phantasm returned in Tom King, Clay Mann, Liam Sharp, and Tomeu Morey's "Batman/Catwoman" series.

There are a handful of other villains Batman has been involved with, including White Rabbit, Nocturna, and Penumbra. 

Batman's romance with heroes haven't felt right

Batman hasn't always been with villains, and he's had a few romantic encounters with some of his closest allies. For a brief time, Batman and Wonder Woman were considered for a romantic pairing, but after some small teases, it never came to fruition. Wonder Woman has also been tied to Superman, but Diana Prince works much better as a character without being attached romantically to other heroes.

Batman has also been hinted at being with Zatanna Zatara, with a recent "Batman: Urban Legends" arc tying their romance back to their youth. While Zatanna would likely make a good match for Batman, her powers and connection to the magical side of DC Universe often puts her at odds with Bruce's more street-level heroism. 

Batman has even shared a kiss with current Bat-Family member and former villain Harley Quinn; however, DC Comics hasn't made their partnership anything more than playful. Harley and Batman work best when at odds, even when crime-fighting together, as her unpredictability mixed with his assuredness make for a great combination. 

Following Batman's love-life has to be complicated

Batman keeps his romances close to his chest, but being a member of the Bat-Family and watching his dating life unfold has to be confusing. Whether moonlighting as Bruce Wayne or The Dark Knight, the hero has shown he's more than fine with being with a villain during a romantic entanglement. Beast Boy noting he has a type when meeting Jezebel Jet is dead-on. It's likely not a lesson he'd want Robin, Batgirl, or any of his other proteges to follow when it comes to picking partners. 

Ultimately, Batman's complex romantic history is tied to storylines that have often paired him with villains to create dramatic tension. Still, considering who he's been with, Batman has shown little reluctance to throw a potential relationship away, even if it makes things more complicated in his superhero life. 

Batman's romance with Catwoman is still the main relationship in "Batman" comics, but after their failed wedding, Selina Kyle and Bruce are currently not together. His romantic life is complicated to say the least, much to the bewilderment of the DC Universe.

"Nightwing" #103 by Tom Taylor, Travis Moore, Wes Abbott, and Adriano Lucas from DC Comics is in comic book stores now.