CSI: Vegas' Paula Newsome Finds The Show's Science 'Hypnotic'

While most crime procedurals often gloss over it in favor of drama and action, science is very much a crucial component to solving crimes. It takes extensive knowledge of biology, psychology, and the like to unearth key details such as a victim's cause of death and the motives of the individual behind the crime. The long-running "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" franchise hasn't shied away from this element of crime solving. In fact, as "CSI: Vegas" has kept this tradition alive, Maxine "Max" Roby actress Paula Newsome — who surprisingly never watched the original "CSI" — has found the program's scientific edge mesmerizing.

"I love doing the science. It is very easy for me. She [Jorja Fox] saw me talking and doing the science at the same time. It was just cutting off the swabs and putting in the solutions, and it is just very hypnotic to me," Newsome said in an interview with Parade. Despite the truly complex nature of the scientific procedures required to do Roby's job at the Las Vegas Crime Lab, they have become second nature to Newsome. Much to the amazement of her co-stars, she breezes right through them while delivering her lines.

Nailing her portrayal of Max Roby was incredibly important to Paula Newsome, from her physical acting to her line deliveries. However, there's another side to her being on the show that she knew she had to get right even more so.

Newsome takes her responsibilities behind the scenes very seriously

As the lead of "CSI: Vegas," Paula Newsome knows that she's in an important position. She's the face of the show, so while she can focus as much as she wants on her performances, she also has to focus on the on-set environment she's helping to cultivate. In an interview with TV Guide, she touched on the necessity to create a comfortable, family-like atmosphere for all involved with the show. "For me, it's really important, the culture of shows, making sure that people feel welcome and making sure that, the kindness of a family," Newsome explained.

Additionally, Newsome recognizes that, as a person of color in such a prominent position on TV, she has a duty to ensure her on-screen depiction of Max Roby is a positive one. She said, "What I know about Maxine is that she's really likable. I think the people who are more used to seeing people who live differently than me in this role, I think Maxine can bring them along." She also gives credit to series creator Jason Tracey, who has been more than willing to make tweaks and changes to the series in this regard based on her input.

Paula Newsome's Max Roby is swiftly becoming a "CSI" favorite, and it stands to reason that Newsome's commitment to the role and her behind-the-camera responsibilities are largely to thank for that.