James Gunn Confirms The DCU Has Its Frankenstein (And It's Not Henry Cavill)

James Gunn and Peter Safran are hard at work revamping the DC Comics-based media slate, and they're prepared to offer a wide array of projects. Of course, the DC Universe will include the likes of Superman and Batman to score points with casual fans, but that's not all. The two DC Studios heads have shared their desire to bring some deep-cut DC characters and teams to the forefront for the first chapter of the DCU — dubbed "Gods and Monsters." Among the most intriguing of the bunch is the stable known as the Creature Commandos.

Introduced back in 1980 via "Weird War Tales" #93, the Creature Commandos is a team comprised largely of, well, monsters. The team, which has historically included everything from vampires to werewolves, is due to receive an HBO Max animated series set within the DCU. While little info about the project has reached the internet since its initial announcement, rumors have swirled concerning who will take on the role of one of the team's most famous members: the sword-wielding, gun-toting, stitched-together Frankenstein.

Claims have surfaced online that former Superman actor Henry Cavill will become the DCU's Frankenstein, but according to James Gunn himself, this isn't true at all. In fact, the role is already cast.

Gunn and Safran scored their first choice to play Frankenstein

On March 6, 2023, @homeofdcu on Twitter came to James Gunn for some clarification. They sent along a link to a story claiming that Henry Cavill has spoken with Gunn and Peter Safran about returning to the world of DC in the role of Frankenstein. Shortly after this tweet went live, Gunn replied by handily shooting the rumor down. "Completely false. We have our Frankenstein – our first choice – & it's not Henry. Was never discussed with him," he wrote, mentioning that the role is not only cast, but the person assigned to it was Gunn and Safran's top pick.

Naturally, with Cavill ruled out, fans went ahead and started tossing out names in response to Gunn's tweet. Some of these Frankenstein guesses include Clancy Brown, Ron Perlman, and "Game of Thrones" alum Rory McCann. While these are all solid choices, they're based purely on speculation and hope. There's no way to know who landed the role of Frankenstein until the folks at DC Studios release such information — just like how we won't know if and when Cavill will return to DC and as which character. After all, Gunn has spoken with Cavill about potentially joining the DCU, so it seems possible that he could appear down the line.

Time will tell how much longer we have to wait to find out what the full "Creature Commandos" cast will look like. For now, know that according to one of the foremost authorities on the matter, Henry Cavill will not portray Frankenstein.