Seth Rogen Is Fine Letting Freaks And Geeks Remain In The Past

Before "Stranger Things" monopolized Midwestern '80s nostalgia, there was "Freaks and Geeks." The 1999 series doesn't have monsters and alternate universes, but it has something even more resonant—the painful realism of coming of age. In breakout roles for Linda Cardellini, James Franco, Jason Segel, and Seth Rogen, the enduring series became a cult classic because of its relatable nature and being canceled too soon.

For 18 episodes, Lindsay Weir (Cardellini) tries to fit in with a new group, dubbed the Freaks, amid all the added pressures of high school in 1980. She loves, loses, and gets back up again. Because NBC canceled the beloved series prematurely, fans were left wondering if Lindsay — and the rest of her cohorts — would ever find their place. Instead of going to an academic summit, Lindsay chooses to follow The Grateful Dead on tour with Kim Kelly (Busy Philipps). Now over two decades past its expiration date, many may wonder if it's possible to see their friends again. In the recent revival culture that resuscitated "Gilmore Girls" and even the inexplicable "Teen Wolf" movie, "Freaks and Geeks" is naturally a series begging to be saved. But if you ask producing juggernaut Rogen, it is unequivocally not in the cards.

Freaks and Geeks is too good to be ruined by another revival

With shows currently getting canceled left and right, it isn't hard to imagine the landscape of 2000s television. "Freaks and Geeks" only lasted a season, despite its cultural relevance. Not every episode ended on a light note. Storylines dealt with heavy topics such as abusive parents, neglect, and disenfranchisement. But it had something that many canceled shows don't get the chance to have. Closure. Even though there are a lot of loose ends, the series finale is a decent send-off. Daniel (James Franco) and Lindsay find unexpected ways to be true to themselves. This message was so important to Judd Apatow that it is the real reason we never saw a "Freaks and Geeks" Season 2. While the network wanted to make changes about lightening the tone, Apatow refused. "Freaks and Geeks" is an emotional time capsule that some, including Seth Rogen, do not feel should be tampered with. When speaking to People, the actor shot down any idea of the cast reuniting.

"I don't think anyone would do it," Rogen said. "It's so rare that you do something in your career that is actually just viewed as good." Because it ended so soon, viewers consider it a practically perfect entity that can't be ruined. Rogen said that revisiting the series now would tarnish its legacy when it left off on such a high note. And that's where it should stay.