Avengers: Infinity War Directors Talk When To Expect Official Avengers 4 Title

Even with Avengers: Infinity War right around the corner, the infinite wait for Avengers 4 news continues. 

Speaking in an interview with Yahoo Movies UK, director brothers Joe and Anthony Russo provided an idea of when to expect one of the biggest pieces of the Avengers 4 puzzle to fall into place, and the answer is bound to disappoint.

According to the directors, the title of the fourth Avengers movie isn't coming anytime soon — not in the credits to Infinity War, or even shortly after. 

"It's going to be quite a long while before people see that title," said Joe Russo. "We need people to see this movie, digest this movie, and then we can tell them what the next story is they're going to see."

The statement summarily dashes the hopes of fans who might've been expecting news on that front promptly following the premiere of Infinity War, with some hoping that the movie's credits would reveal the fourth film's title before audiences even moved to leave the theater. Apparently, this is not the case.

The 2019 sequel was originally announced under the title of Avengers: Infinity War Part II, implying that the fourth movie would be an unusually direct follow-up to the events of the first installment. 

The sequel, which may or may not involve some sort of time travel shenanigans, was reverted to untitled status some months after the initial reveal, supposedly for the enticing reason that its very name is a spoiler for Infinity War.

The idea that the fourth movie's name would spoil the events of the third has kept fans of the series guessing, trying to pin down realistically marketable versions of ideas like Avengers: Everyone Dies but Ant-Man or, say, Avengers vs. the Justice League.

Unfortunately, the guessing game will have to continue indefinitely after the release of Infinity War

The directors did, however, use the interview opportunity to clear up one thing, stating that the third Avengers movie would not end on a huge cliffhanger, as was feared by some when the original two-part title format was in play. 

"It's a complete story," Joe Russo said. "It's got a beginning, middle and an end, and the next movie has a beginning, middle and an end, in the same way that Civil War handed off to Infinity War, and Infinity War will hand off to the next movie."

We'll say one thing, at least: The Russos seem pretty confident that viewers will have a lot to digest when the curtain falls on Infinity War, and that can only mean good things for fans of the increasingly-ambitious Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Avengers: Infinity War will be out in theaters worldwide on April 27.