Charlize Theron Needed Shoulder Surgery After Filming The Old Guard 2 Due To Yet Another On-Set Injury

"The Old Guard 2" is steadily building towards its release, offering the hotly anticipated follow-up to Netflix's "The Old Guard" from 2020. A divergent take on the mainstream superhero flick, the original movie treated audiences to Charlize Theron's portrayal of Andromache of Scythia, an immortal warrior with exceptional prowess in combat who suddenly finds her and her team faced by an insidious threat. Thankfully, the star is back to anchor the cast of "The Old Guard 2," though it seems that filming the new movie has come at a cost.

"The Old Guard" gives action movie fans plenty to love, with its main characters engaging in all manner of death-defying maneuvers. However, the cast has promised that "The Old Guard 2" takes things even further with its action sequences (via Twitter). In fact, perhaps things are even going a bit too far. Theron revealed that while training for the movie, she suffered an on-set injury that ultimately necessitated her getting shoulder surgery.

Theron's sword fight went sour

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Charlize Theron revealed that she needed to get shoulder surgery while filming for "The Old Guard 2." "We just wrapped the sequel to Old Guard, where I was hanging off the side of a helicopter," she jokingly started, before continuing: "I so wish that was the story. Instead, it was during training. I was learning to sword fight."

While that may sound rough for Theron, it's relatively tame compared to what the actress experienced while filming for the first "The Old Guard" movie. When filming wrapped up on that production, she needed not just one surgery, but three, having severely injured her thumb, elbow, and knee. "I have to put her up there with Keanu Reeves," fight coordinator Danny Hernandez told Insider. "Her and Keanu are the highest when it comes to stars who work really, really hard on the stunts. They both go the distance. It's to the point that sometimes you have to send them home. She wouldn't leave sometimes."

Hernandez's description rings true, especially when considering that Reeves was the actor who inspired Theron to do her own stunts. Since then, the actress has never been afraid to give it her all for her action roles. Theron has even seriously damaged her body on several occasions outside of the two "The Old Guard" movies, so this latest injury really seems more par for the course than anything else.