Could Emilia Clarke Return To The Star Wars Universe In A Stand-Alone Series?

Emilia Clarke is best known for her role of Daenerys Targaryen on "Game of Thrones," but with all the new "Star Wars" content coming out lately, it might be possible to forget she's also a part of that fantasy universe. In "Solo: A Star Wars Story," a prequel to the original "Star Wars" movie featuring the formative adventures of Han Solo (Alden Ehrenreich), she plays Solo's partner in crime, Qi'ra, a character that has been seen in a few other corners of the entire ever-expanding "Star Wars" story.

With a star like Clarke portraying her, and a seemingly unquenchable thirst for more and more "Star Wars" projects, it would seem like a possibility that Qi'ra could one day get a solo — so to speak — screen adventure of her own.

One person who would seem to agree with that sentiment is Jonathan Kasdan, who co-wrote "Solo," along with his "Star Wars" vet father Lawrence Kasdan. He's currently at work promoting his new series "Willow" (based on a feature film by, coincidentally, "Solo" director Ron Howard), but he was asked about the possibility of a standalone Qi'ra project, and his answer should be enough to intrigue fans of the character.

Jonathan Kasdan says he can imagine a short novella-style project for Clarke's Star Wars character

In a sit-down with The Hollywood Reporter on his new series "Willow," Jonathan Kasdan was asked about the possibility of Emilia Clarke's return to "Star Wars" as Qi'ra, a possibility that has been raised by the actress herself (also via The Hollywood Reporter).

To get the bad news for Clarke fans out of the way first, it doesn't appear there are any firm plans for a Qi'ra project as of now. But it's something Kasdan would like to see. "I don't honestly know. I'm always afraid to ask Kathy [Kennedy] because she can see right through me. She can see my desire to tell more stories there," said Kasdan. And he added that he sees potential for "Star Wars" to follow in the path of Marvel with shorter-form standalone specials for some characters.

"I have been intrigued by the wonderful 'Werewolf by Night' as a potential form of storytelling ... So, I would love to see Lucasfilm embrace a short-form novella version for telling some of their stories. That certainly seems like a place where future stories about those characters could live."

A "Solo: A Star Wars Story" spinoff special in the vein of "Werewolf by Night" is an interesting idea, and with "Marvel" and "Star Wars" both under the same corporate ownership, it seems a distinct possibility. Whether it will actually come to be is, for now, uncertain.