Quentin Tarantino Says His Final Film Will Be An Entirely Original Story After All

Since his directorial debut with 1992's "Reservoir Dogs," American filmmaker Quentin Tarantino has brought his knack for insightful, witty, and biting dialogue and set pieces to a diverse range of movie genres. His first three movies, which also included 1994's "Pulp Fiction" and 1997's "Jackie Brown," explored quirky and determined personalities that always tried to stay one step ahead of law enforcement or the criminals that held their lives in jeopardy. The director then totally shifted gears in 2003 and 2004 with the release of the martial arts epics "Kill Bill: Vol. 1" and "Kill Bill: Vol. 2" Both movies were actually one long story split into two parts that told the story of Beatrix Kiddo (Uma Thurman) and her quest for revenge against the title character (David Carradine).

After a send-up of '80s slasher films with 2007's "Death Proof," Tarantino continues to make revisionist-style dramedies with "Inglourious Basterds," Django Unchained," "The Hateful Eight," and his most recent feature, 2019's "Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood." But since the late 2010s and early 2020s, in the wake of his 2019 outing, the director has announced that his upcoming 10th movie will be his last. This has led to rampant speculation on what the feature will be about (per Esquire). As it turns out, Tarantino has offered some clues by declaring his cinema swan song will be an entirely original story.

An original story may rule out the possibility of a third Kill Bill film

As reported by IndieWire, Quentin Tarantino spoke with film critic Elvis Mitchell during a New York City stop on tour for his book "Cinema Speculation." Tarantino commented how he was long tempted to adapt Elmore Leonard's novel "Stick." The director previously adapted the Leonard novel "Rum Punch" into 1997's "Jackie Brown." He also shared how one of the characters in "Stick" inspired the role of Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt) in "Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood." Although this idea and numerous others, including a possible "Kill Bill 3" as his final movie, the filmmaker told Mitchell that his farewell to cinema would be an entirely original work.

Speculation about the context of Tarantino's last feature film has been a topic of discussion for critics and fans in the last few years (via IndieWire). In 2019, Tarantino said that a third "Kill Bill" was likely, but not guaranteed. He also spoke about the possibility of making a Spaghetti western movie or an outright comedy. With the news that the film will be wholly original and not adapted from another source, these genre categories are still very much in play as possibilities. Apart from dark humor appearing in most of his movies, a full Tarantino comedy would be the perfect completion of a career exploring most cinema genres.