Zack Snyder Finally Gives Some Details About His Upcoming Sci-Fi Epic Rebel Moon

As the 2020s roll on, director Zack Snyder continues to keep busy on the filmmaking front. After a 2020 that saw him not add a single title to his list of directing credits — something he has in common with most other directors thanks at least in part to the COVID-19 pandemic — Snyder came back swinging in 2021 with his cut of "Justice League." The film long desired by DC fans dropped on the HBO Max streaming service on March 18 of that year. Following that up, he directed the post-apocalyptic heist movie "Army of the Dead" for Netflix, which premiered a few months later.

In addition to working on an "Army of the Dead" spin-off series, "Army of the Dead: Lost Vegas," that will also call Netflix home, Snyder is hard at work on his next feature film. Titled "Rebel Moon," this science-fiction adventure was announced in July of 2021, and right out of the gate, Snyder expressed his desire to make it a sprawling franchise. Names like Djimon Hounsou, Ray Fisher — Snyder's "Justice League" collaborator — Anthony Hopkins, Jenna Malone, and more would join what has become a stacked cast, but for the most part, what the production will entail has been kept under wraps.

At long last, Zack Snyder has divulged some concrete details about the plot of "Rebel Moon" to give us a better idea of what we can expect from the Netflix endeavor.

A conflict over resources is at the core of Rebel Moon

Zack Snyder made a guest appearance on "The Preston & Steve Show" on November 10, 2022, where he talked about a number of things. One of those topics was "Rebel Moon," which hadn't spent much time in the news cycle outside of its initial reveal and random casting announcements. Thankfully, Snyder more than made up for the information draught by touching on the core conflict of the film, the setting, and what the cast will be up to. As he explains, the bulk of the film focuses on a distant planet out in space that contains a farming community — one that malicious forces swiftly disrupt.

"There's a bunch of bad guys from other worlds armies are in the area, and they need to be fed, so they come to the village and ask for the village to feed them while they're doing their war in that area of the galaxy," Snyder explains, mentioning that he uses the term "ask" very lightly. These invaders aren't very kind about their agreement with the locals, to the point that it's clear they're willing to destroy the village and its inhabitants if need be. Snyder continues, "The villagers decide to fight, and so they have to go out into the galaxy and collect warriors to help them."

On paper, "Rebel Moon" sounds like "Seven Samurai" (or "A Bug's Life," if you'd prefer) mixed with "Star Wars," and that's an intriguing prospect if there ever was one. "Rebel Moon" lacks a release date as if this writing, but hopefully, it's not too far away.