Sebastian Stan Would 'Love' For Bucky To Become Captain America

This would be the character arc to end all character arcs. 

During a panel at Wizard World St. Louis this weekend, Captain America actor Sebastian Stan discussed the possibility of his character, Bucky Barnes, ever transforming enough to become Captain America in the future. As all Marvel fans know, Stan's Bucky winds up a brain-washed super-assassin known as the Winter Solider in the second Captain America film and the Marvel Cinematic Universe's later Avengers series installments, so the character taking actor Chris Evans' place for a new iteration the First Avenger would certainly be a sight to see. But it isn't that far-fetched an idea, since in the Marvel Comics lore, Bucky does take on the role of Captain America after Steve Rogers is thought to be dead. And Stan's totally down for it — so long as it's done the right way. 

"I would love that one day, absolutely. I don't know when that day would be, and I just think ... it would be a very different Captain America, you know? You wouldn't be able to have the same Captain America as you have right now because he's a different guy," Stan explained. "Again, there's this issue where we've got to get him to be trustworthy enough for them to give him that responsibility, you know, to fill those shoes, and those are hard shoes to fill. So I think it's possible, I really do, but it just has to make sense and we might need a little more time."

Stan assuming the Captain America mantle somewhere down the line seems possible, but for now, OG star Evans is loving his time rocking the star-spangled suit and shield. Earlier this year, the actor gushed about what a "blessing" it is to play Captain America. 

"It's wonderful. It's so nice. Sometimes I've played not-so-savory characters in the past and it's, you know, you [have] got to be in a really nasty headspace, and you can't help but take some of that home with you, and it can feel like a little bit of a storm cloud," said Evans. "But playing Cap, it's such a nice energy to try to encompass every day. You can't help but try and compare it to your own life and find kind of analogous circumstances where you can live up to the person you try to portray each day ... It's a blessing. I love it."

Before Evans ever passes Stan the torch (if that will actually happen), the pair will reprise their roles as Bucky and Cap in Avengers: Infinity War, which is set for release on May 4.