Deadliest Catch's Sig Hansen Explains How Foul Language Enhances The Show's Accuracy

Fishing for crabs on the Bering Sea is not for the faint of heart. Just watch one episode of "Deadliest Catch" to see how dangerous, frigid, and stressful the environment is and that these guys are in it for months at a time. Therefore, it makes sense that the captains and crew aren't always in the best of moods. Oftentimes, they're faced with unexpected situations that quickly put everyone's lives in danger unless swift action is taken.

A prime example came in Season 18, Episode 15, when Sig Hansen's Northwestern ran into heavy ice. He frantically ordered the deckhands to toss the full pots of crab overboard to reduce weight on the boat. He also told his daughter Mandy, who recently gave birth, that she was heading home. This high-stress moment was sprinkled with lots of "bleeps" as Hansen used some colorful language while trying to get the Northwestern secured. 

Other times, the Bering Sea fishermen aren't exactly in a life or death situation, but rather a downright uncomfortable one. In a Season 10 episode, the "bleeps" were frequent when the Northwestern became low on fresh water, which the crews used to shower. Though none of the guys smelled like roses, the stench of deckhand Matt Bradley was particularly offensive to his co-workers.

According to Hansen, the cast's foul language brings a special element to "Deadliest Catch."

Foul language on the F/V Northwestern shows the crew's realistic reactions

Northwestern captain Sig Hansen revealed in an interview with The Fishing Website that he and his crew never watch their mouths when they're being filmed for "Deadliest Catch." In his opinion, their foul language brings a realistic element to the often-fabricated world of reality television.

"There is editing, and you will hear a lot of 'bleeps' on the screen. But I think that is one reason the film crew wanted to stay with our boat — we are pretty natural," Hansen said. "After the first year, we got used to having the cameras around, and they said that's why they like it. As long as the camera doesn't bother you, you are going to be yourself, and that is what they are really after. That's their big motivation — to get realistic action and reactions from the crew, and our guys give it."

Even from Hansen's first moments interacting with a big network and film crew, he didn't quit being himself. During the initial meeting between the Hansen family and Discovery, the brothers had some drinks and bantered back and forth. This, in turn, ultimately landed them the "Deadliest Catch" gig (via Riverfront Times). But it is reality TV after all, which means there have been allegations that the truth of some scenes might be faked for the cameras. It's been said that footage has been manipulated to make moments appear more dangerous than they are, or that fights among the cast are staged. Still, after 18 seasons, "Deadliest Catch" fans can likely tell what's real, such as Hansen's determination to get daughter Mandy home to safety.