How Christopher Lloyd Behaved On Back To The Future's Set, According To Michael J. Fox

Michael J. Fox's Marty McFly and Christopher Lloyd's Doc Brown are one of the great duos in screen history, with an infectious chemistry that made all three "Back to the Future" films work even better than they might have with other actors in the parts.

As unthinkable as that might be, it's well-known Hollywood lore that "Back to the Future" actually started filming with another actor playing Marty. That actor, Eric Stoltz, was eventually fired from "Back to the Future" and replaced by a young sitcom star named Michael J. Fox.

A tumultuous personnel situation like that can wreak havoc on the morale of the cast and crew of a movie, but fortunately, it all worked out for the best. We can probably thank that last-minute casting decision for at least some of the franchise's phenomenal success.

At a recent panel reuniting Fox and Lloyd for New York Comic-Con 2022, Fox spoke about what it was like to work with the consummate actor on the set of the original movie.

Fox called working with Lloyd the best part of the whole Back to the Future experience

The New York Comic-Con "Back to the Future" panel brought series stars Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd back together to share stories and memories, and it was consequently one of the must-not-miss events of the convention (CBR).

In a comment that's sure to make any "Back to the Future" fan smile, Fox recalled, "[t]he best part of this movie was working with [Christopher Lloyd]." Lloyd seemed to concur, sharing his and the rest of the cast and crew's original skepticism when they found out (at 1 AM!) that Marty McFly was being recast with a new actor. "I barely made it through the first six weeks, and now I have to do it again?" Lloyd remembered thinking, but he quickly came to appreciate the "immediate chemistry" he shared with the new guy.

Fox went on to crown Lloyd "the King of Exposition" for the way he managed to make those long, jargon-y information avalanches that make up the "Back to the Future" plot both informational and entertaining."It's fun working with Chris because he's just genius," Fox said.

Anyone familiar with Lloyd's work in not just the "Back to the Future" movies, but everything from "Who Framed Roger Rabbit," the "Addams Family" movies, and "Taxi," would agree with that statement, but it is good to know that he's a pleasant figure to work with off-camera as well.