The It Scenes You Didn't See

It's here: Andy Muschietti's celebrated adaptation of Stephen King's It is now out on DVD and Blu-ray. And while fans may grumble about the lack of commentaries available in the special features, there are plenty of deleted and extended scenes to savor. In all, there are 11 added segments included in the film's bonus features, some of which may have even improved upon the movie if they'd been included. So, let's run through what's new in the home edition of 2017's It and talk about where they fit into the overall story. 

And of course, here's the all important spoiler alert for anyone still waiting to get spooked by Pennywise.

Fake out

The first "deleted scene" probably shouldn't even be called that–because it's clearly just a joke. The scene shows that familiar, devastating opening scene, when little Georgie Denbrough chases his prized paper boat down the rain stream, and it gets sucked into the sewer drain. That's still the least of his troubles, of course, as he's then introduced to Pennywise the Dancing Clown, a.k.a. every child's worst nightmare. Instead of having his arm ripped off and being dragged into Derry's dark water, though, in this version he simply grabs the boat and wanders off, saying, "See ya later! Bye!" Pennywise's reaction to Georgie's expected escape? First, it's silent confusion; then, he utters a simple, "Ah, sh**."

Basically, it's the best alternate version of the iconic scene–and one that would've kept the rest of the movie from, y'know, actually happening. But while it clearly doesn't fit into the actual mold of the movie, it's a fun gag anyway. If only cute little Georgie had made it outta there, this is what it'd look like. Alas.

Dad guilt

Next up, the scene with Stanley's father chiding him over his lack of preparation for his bar mitzvah reading gets a slight extension as well. In addition to correcting Stanley for his mispronunciation of Hebrew and reminding him that he's the rabbi, which we see in the theatrical run, the extended scene digs in with the more philosophical ramifications of his Stanley's failings.

"You're not studying, Stanley. And yet this is exactly what this is about: taking responsibility for one's own religious life," he tells him, before listing out, line by line, exactly who all he will embarrass if he doesn't improve his performance. With that kinda pressure looming on the home front, even after a hard day spent fighting the Derry demon, it's no wonder Stanley's the most burdened of the bunch. If the scene had remained intact in the film, the additional line would've also foreshadowed Stan's own voice-over speech that comes later in the film as the group takes a time out from one another (more on that later).

Family friction

One thing that seemed to be a little lacking in the theatrical version of It was the emotional toll Georgie's disappearance would take on the rest of the Denbroughs. Sure, Bill's reaction to saddle up for a summer-long journey to avenge his brother's killer is the epicenter of the entire story, but his mom and dad get very little screen time to show their own hurt and difficulty processing the situation. On the one hand, that plays into the narrative that parents are too dissociated from reality, but in a new deleted scene, we get to see how their pain would play out. 

Surprisingly enough, it's Bill who's being a bit inconsiderate and aloof in the new scene. After flashing to his mom's piano, which is now covered in dust from neglect, she's shown silently laboring over dinner dishes, as his father reads a magazine and Bill starts prattling off about planning their annual summer park trip. He somewhat cheerily spells out his wishlist of what sites they might visit this time, but his mother wants nothing to do with it, slams the load down in the sink, and storms off. That's when his dad informs him that it's not happening. It's not about finding the money for the trip but rather, "It's just your brother truly looked forward to that trip, you know? It was his favorite." To that, Bill whispers the reply, "Mine too," after his father leaves the room. He's now more alone than ever and, worse, resented by his own folks.

Second skeptic

Another scene that's extended is the one when Bill flees from the basement after seeing faux Georgie and Pennywise down below. Exasperated, he runs into his father upstairs and explains what he saw, which prompts his father to explore the room right away. Even though Bill can clearly hear his dad sloshing around the flooded waters, his father still returns to report that it's "dry as a bone" and that it must have been a bad dream. When Bill continues to insist he saw his missing little brother, his father's face gets even more stern as he instructs him to "go to bed."

Like Beverly's father with the restroom bloodbath, Bill's dad doesn't see or hear what he does, and thinks it's just a product of his kid's active imagination. The fact that adults are so clueless as to what's really going on in town is a central tenet of the book, and this clip would've really driven that point home if it'd made the cut. All the same, it wasn't absolutely necessary, and we lose very little with its absence from the full feature.

Unhappy home

Another aspect of the original It story that's (mercifully) glossed over in the cinematic adaptation is the physical and mental abuse Henry Bowers suffers at the hands of his alcoholic father. In a new scene featuring the high school bully, however, he's shown struggling to apply ointment to lashes on his back, implying he's been whipped by his mean old man–and that it's not for the first time.

Upon attempting to the leave the house, his father demands that he fetch him another beer first, and he complies without an ounce hesitation or attitude. But by the time his friends Butch and Victor arrive to pick him up, Henry's back to wearing his tough guy air, dismissing any concern about Patrick's whereabouts, and insisting that his father didn't punish him for losing the knife. "That fat f*** knows if he touches me I'll rip his head off," he declares. As they're about to leave, too, they spot Mike Hanlon passing by on his delivery bike, which sets up the quick scene with Mike being bullied by the trio as Pennywise looks on.

Fighting fear

Another scene that sheds some more light on Stanley's emotional defection from the rest of the Losers centers on the moment when Bill, Richie, and Eddie enter the Neibolt House by themselves, as the other four wait outside. Through tears, Stan tells Mike, "I can't go into that house please. I can't." It's probably not totally necessary, considering how afraid he was of entering the tunnels before, but the scene also sets up a pretty tender exchange between Ben and Beverly. As they wait for the others, he places a hand on her shoulder, and she reciprocates by placing her hand on top of his own.

At the same time, the trio inside are treated to a bit more of Betty Ripsom's cries for help than we heard before, which explains their decision to head upstairs in the house like a bad horror movie trope, rather than explore the bottom floor first.

An exodus

It's only a slight extension of the Neibolt House scene which scared the daylights (deadlights?) out of everyone in the theaters, but in a new piece of the sequence, we get to see how the group reacts to fighting their way out of Pennywise's clutches the first time.

With Eddie's broken arm, he has to be carted away on Mike's bike and he ditches his own ride in the street. They're all otherwise in a collective state of panic, swearing away as they scramble to flee the scene. Seeing their post-battle fear in action like this, it's pretty clear why they might be so quick to disband after such a close call with the death-dealing clown–and it's obvious they've got a long way to go before they can be brave enough to do true battle with Pennywise.

Moody monologue

As much as Stanley Uris is portrayed as a shrinking violet throughout the film, he gets one scene of serious retribution in the extended version of his bar mitzvah monologue. In the original edit, his words are limited to the part about how kids believe they'll be protected when they're young, a segment that becomes partial voiceover to showcase the rest of the Losers doing their individual activities across town. 

In this extended version, though, he really lets his father and the rest of his synagogue have it by laying out the problem with adulthood: "You wake up suddenly not caring about lives outside your own. Nothing going on outside your front door matters anymore. You separate yourself from anything that might not matter to you: neighbors, family, your friends." 

His words not only outline the grown-up indifference that's such a disease in Derry, but he also foreshadows the group's eventual reunion, saying, "When you're alone as a kid, the monsters see you as weaker, and they start to come for you and you don't even know they're coming for you until it's too late." 

His father steps in to try and stop his forceful lecture, but not before Stanley slips in with this biting finish line: "Becoming an adult isn't about being able to vote or being able to drink or drive. Becoming an adult, according to the holy scripture of Derry, is learning not to give a sh**." Perhaps not surprisingly, the only one who claps for him is Richie "Trashmouth" Tozier.

Cast vandal

In another extended scene, we're finally shown what Eddie's face looks like when he realizes that Beverly's bully has signed his cast with the word "Loser" down at the pharmacy, and we see her tack her chewed up wad of gum on top for an extra dose of cruelty. The addition is slim on substance, but pretty hilarious all the same. Poor Eddie. Not only does he find out his mom's been plying him with placebo pills all these years, but the notorious germaphobe's gonna have to peel some girl's gum off his cast and live with whatever residue is left until the cast comes off. Talk about a tough break.

Slaughter session

The most shocking added scene of them all features Henry Bowers, now possessed by Pennywise after having been instructed by his TV to "kill them all," including his father. He's parked outside the Neibolt house, with his face covered in blood splatters as the Losers prepare to go in and attempt to rescue Beverly from the clown.

"Like lambs to a slaughter, wouldn't you say fellas?" he says from the driver's seat in Belch's car. It's then that the camera pans to the passenger side and we see that both of his sidekicks have had their necks slashed, presumably by Henry's newly reacquired knife. After getting an eyeful of his handiwork, Henry's face becomes even more sinister as he adds, "Yeah, sure you would." It's then that the Losers enter the house, not knowing that they have a twisted tail lurking in the midst. If included, the scene might've taken away the element of surprise when Henry shows up and attacks Mike. On the other hand, it may have also set up the eventual excuse Derry folks adopt about all the deaths, as they'll pin 'em on Henry. 

The walkie talkie

In the theatrical version of It, Bill Denbrough doesn't get a real sign of his brother's fate until after they vanquish Pennywise, and he finds Georgie's yellow coat stashed among the piled-up belongings of all the town's missing children. But in an extended version of the scene, when Bill, Stanley, Eddie, and Richie have climbed down into the well, he stumbles upon Georgie's walkie talkie right away.

Considering the condition of the device—it appears to be unbroken and perhaps even functional—the find might've given him false hope about his brother's condition and caused confusion in the final fight, when he has to own the reality that his brother won't be found alive. So, it's probably for the best that they waited to give him any proof of Georgie's demise until after his big showdown with the clown. 

Family vacation

The original film ends after Bill said goodbye to Beverly Marsh, leaving her bloody hand print on his cheek for some strange reason. But the alternative version of the closing moments would've ended on a slightly more optimistic note for at least one character.

The scene shows Bill's parents packing up the station wagon, as his mother comes out to kiss him warmly and say, "I know it's not Acadia, but maybe we can make some new memories." From the looks of it, they finally decided to take that family vacation after all now that they've all come to accept Georgie's fate, and Bill's stopped reporting false sightings. 

It's not their usual destination, but it's something. Just to make sure no one gets too cozy with all the relatively happy vibes in play, however, the camera still pans to the storm drain that was such a problem for them in the first place, just as it's beginning to rain. There's no Pennywise in there, yet, but it's clear his reign of terror is far from finished.