Donald Glover Reveals More Details Of Solo Reshoots

Spoiler alert: Lando stays charming.

Co-star Donald Glover has come forward to shed some light about the surprisingly-controversial production of Solo: A Star Wars Story, revealing new details about the Ron Howard reshoots, and also detailing one of his favorite shots in the film, according to a report by That Hashtag Show. It's no trailer, but it'll do.

Speaking to reporters at the Television Critics Association winter press tour, Glover gave a first-hand account of the reshoot process, implying that his character, at least, was largely unaffected by the director turnover.

Asked about the extent of the reshoots, Glover said that there were "not a ton, actually", adding "Not a lot at all, at least not for me. I think we've all never been faced with anything like that, and I think [Ron Howard] did a good job of coming and tell[ing] us he didn't want to change what we were doing at all. He wanted us to remain confident in our vision. He just wanted to sculpt it, in a way."

Glover's description of a light touch when it comes to the reshoots would seem to contradict unsubstantiated reports which began circulating late last year claiming as much as 80% of the movie had been reshot.

Glover also discussed a favorite shot in the movie: a tracking shot that follows his character from outside of the Millennium Falcon to the inside in one seamless move, making the famous spaceship feel more like a real vehicle occupying real space to the viewer than ever before.

"I remember going on set one of the first times, [Ron] was like, 'Yeah, I want to follow you onto the Millennium Falcon and do this thing,'" Glover said. "I was like, 'I don't think I've ever seen the outside go into the inside.' He's like, 'Yeah, no one's ever done that shot.' As a fan I was like yeah, I was really excited."

Finally, Glover shared a few details about his performance of classic Star Wars character Lando Calrissian, saying he welcomed collaboration and advice from both Howard and the original Lando, Billy Dee Williams.

"It was actually good to get another person on there who was like, 'What do you think of this?'" Glover said of Howard's involvement. "He grew up under Lucas, and really is a fan himself."

As for Williams, his advice to Glover about how to play Lando was very simple, speaking to the sensuous soul of the character himself.

"He just told me to stay charming," Glover said. "I was like, 'That's the best advice ever.'"

With just over four months to go til the movie's release, much about Solo remains frustratingly shrouded in mystery. Audiences are doubly curious about not just what the movie will cover story-wise, but also what it will look and feel like with the reshoots living side-by-side with the original footage shot by original directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller. 

Glover acknowledged the discussion in the press over the movie's messy and unusual production, with a strong narrative emerging that suggests the behind-the-scenes drama will have a negative effect on the movie's quality. Glover, at least, does not share those concerns. 

"I know there's been a lot of talk in the press about this movie," he said, "But for me, anyway, it was a dream. And also, it looks really cool to me."

Solo smuggles its way into theaters on May 25, 2018.