The Blindness Boot Camp The Cast Of See Had To Go Through

Jason Momoa is known for taking on larger-than-life roles. For example, "Game of Thrones" fans know him as the fierce and feared Dothraki leader Khal Drogo. Whether he's swinging an arakh or dumping molten gold on certain wanna-be kings, this character isn't one to be messed with and neither are Momoa's other fictional roles.

From DC's Aquaman to House Atreides swordmaster Duncan Idaho in 2021's "Dune," size and strength are staples of Momoa's various on-screen personas. In an interview with Men's Health, he hailed his Hawaiian genetics for his superhero-esque appearance. But ahead of each role, he also trains vigorously at the gym. Typically, Momoa sticks to completing numerous high intensity circuits, with low reps and weights (via Australian Men's Health). He's also a fan of rock climbing and healthy eating, with the exception of a few Guinness beers.

Momoa's latest role of tribe leader Baba Voss in the Apple TV+ series "See," now concluded with three seasons, is yet another powerful force to be reckoned with. Centuries into the future, humans have lost the ability to see. Therefore, when his children are born with sight, the sense is viewed as an evil magic and he must protect them at all costs. For this project, Momoa and his co-stars underwent a different sort of training.

Jason Momoa and the cast of See learned about echolocation and using other senses

In order to prepare for their roles in "See," Jason Momoa, Sylvia Hoeks, Alfre Woodard, and the rest of the cast participated in a blindness boot camp. Led by associate producer and blindness consultant Joe Strechay, the training allowed the actors to navigate the world from their characters' perspectives. With sleep masks covering their eyes, they were able to engage in sensory training and understand how to rely on other senses without the benefit of sight.

Strechay told The Hollywood Reporter, "I wanted to make sure that the portrayals around blindness in our production were committed to respecting blindness. There have been so many comical portrayals of blindness and 'See' is not one of them."

At first, the blindness boot camp was an uncomfortable experience for Momoa, who is used to preparing for his films at the gym or on a rock wall. But he quickly embraced it. "You have to feel and you really just have to be available with all of your senses because you're gonna eliminate one," he said in an interview with UPROXX. One goal of the training was to address misconceptions about blindness. Just as the characters in "See" fear what they don't understand, the same often rings true in the real world. Strechay informed his boot camp participants, and thus audiences, that blind individuals can still lead full lives, from falling in love and raising a family to participating in some intense battles.

"Blindness is not scary, it's just doing things in a different way," Strechay said (via The Hollywood Reporter).