Magneto Gets Roughed Up In X-Men: Dark Phoenix Photo

Not looking marvelous now, huh?

Empire has a new photo (below) from X-Men: Dark Phoenix, and it reveals that Magneto (Michael Fassbender) has a rough time in the upcoming flick from director Simon Kinberg. 

In the photo, it looks like Magneto is being dragged from the wreckage of a building after a battle. He's captured by the neck and surrounded by armed soldiers who are probably correct to keep a safe distance from the powerful mutant. 

The magazine also has more information on the movie, including how it allows Kinberg (who co-wrote last year's X-Men: Apocalypse) to "right a wrong he still feels from his past with the X-movies, when the Dark Phoenix storyline was subsumed into a larger plot of X-Men: The Last Stand in 2006." 

This movie will instead revolve around the Dark Phoenix storyline, which sees Jean Grey (Sophie Turner) uncover a much darker and more dangerous version of herself during a trip to space in 1992. Turner told Empire the film is "about duality, darkness and light, this sense of her being a completely other person and struggling with that."

X-Men: Dark Phoenix, which co-stars James McAvoy, Jennifer Lawrence, Jessica Chastain, and many more, hits theaters Nov. 2, 2018.