What George Lucas Thinks Of Star Wars: The Last Jedi

It can't be easy for George Lucas to sit back and watch other filmmakers guide the Star Wars galaxy. Or maybe it is. It's hard to tell. Lucas doesn't say a lot.

Just days away from the release of The Last Jedi, the creator of Star Wars revealed his thoughts on the flick written and directed by Rian Johnson. However, we only know how Lucas feels about it through a representative who spoke to The Hollywood Reporter.

Lucas thinks the movie was "beautifully made" and he was "complimentary" to Johnson after seeing it. That's pretty high praise coming from Lucas, even if we didn't actually hear him say it. 

He's not directly involved in the franchise after it was sold to Disney in 2012, but he seems to approve of the direction. Back when The Force Awakens arrived, Lucas told Vulture that "fans are going to love it," although it felt like kind of a backhanded compliment. And according to JoBlo, Rogue One director Gareth Edwards said at a press conference at Lucasfilm's San Francisco headquarters that Lucas "really liked" the anthology flick.

As of now, The Last Jedi has a 93 percent fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, which makes it the best-rated Star Wars flick on the aggregator. Critics have mostly been kind to the movie, while some think it's a little underwhelming. One thing is certain: it's very different from any of the other films in the series.

We'll get to find out for ourselves when the movie lands in theaters Dec. 15.