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Way Before Yellowstone, Kevin Costner Starred In A Very '80s Apple Commercial

Kevin Costner was already a bonafide screen legend when he signed on to front the all-star ensemble cast of "Yellowstone." And despite the well-publicized behind-the-scenes issues, "Yellowstone" has undoubtedly bolstered the actor's appeal in Hollywood circles. Some might even argue that John Dutton is as much a signature role as any in Costner's oeuvre.

Said career is, of course, several decades old, with Costner becoming one of the biggest stars on the planet courtesy of a string of big-screen hits throughout the 1980s and '90s. Even still, he struggled to get a foothold in Tinseltown in the early '80s, eventually seeking work in the commercial realm. He did so in decidedly high-end fashion, however, booking the lead in a 1983 ad for a little tech company by the name of Apple Computers.

The 60-second spot sees Costner donning a distinctly Steve Jobsian look, portraying a super hip big businessman who bikes into the office to work at his fancy Apple desktop computer. Said unit is the Apple Lisa. And even as the Lisa proved a game-changing piece of tech at the time, these days, one can't help but scoff at its tiny screen, boxy construction, and lo-fi feel. And yes, accompanied by the face of a soon-to-be '80s icon, the dated Apple ad feels very much a product of the era.

That Apple ad boasted major talent behind the camera as well

As Apple would become known for in the 1980s, the ad featuring Kevin Costner boasts a fittingly low-key cinematic look. One could argue that — on a much smaller scale — it may even have laid the groundwork for Apple's iconic 1984 Macintosh ad, directed by the great Ridley Scott. It just so happens the 1983 Lisa spot boasts an impressive name in the director's chair as well, with Adrian Lyne calling the shots.

Lyne is perhaps best known for directing "Flashdance," which became one of 1983's biggest box office hits. And it's hard not to notice the Lisa ad fronts a similar visual palette as "Flashdance," as do Lyne's other '80s staples, "9 1/2 Weeks" and "Fatal Attraction." As the story goes, Lyne reportedly met Kevin Costner when the actor auditioned for a role in "Flashdance." Though Costner didn't get the part, Lyne was clearly impressed, booking him for the Apple gig soon after. 

Unfortunately, appearing in a high-profile Apple ad did not immediately catapult Costner to superstardom. That ascent didn't truly begin until 1985 when he broke out via the big screen one-two punch of "Fandango" and "Silverado." The actor continued to win over fans in the '80s with star-making turns in "The Untouchables," "No Way Out," "Bull Durham," and "Field of Dreams." In 1990, "Dances With Wolves" even made Costner an Oscar-winning director. Though he's seen some dramatic ups and downs over ensuing decades, Costner has remained one of the most beloved stars to come out of the '80s, though "Yellowstone" clearly ranks as one of his biggest hits.